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  • 25 years of relations and expertise

    In our factory we continuously monitor the process conditions. This process often takes place automatized, although the value of more than 25 years of expertise in this field should not be underestimated. In our own lab we carry out continuous tests which are evaluated daily.

    Quality from culture to end user

    Spearhead in our organization is quality control. Control already starts before the actual harvesting time, by selecting the best plant onions and onion seeds. They will be delivered to growers who have been selected by us.

    During harvesting time we keep in touch with our growers and guarantee optimal conditions. We are only satisfied when our onions have been harvested ‘safe and sound’; they will then be stored under controlled conditions. In our factory we continuously monitor the process conditions. This process often takes place automatized, although the value of more than 25 years of expertise in this field should not be underestimated.

    In our own lab we carry out continuous tests which are evaluated daily. It goes without saying that quality-oriented thinking is not only limited to our production organization. We also regularly carry out manufacturer audits and customer satisfaction researches, which both contribute to a further product development. We guarantee a complete traceability. If necessary, we can trace the used young plants or sowing seeds within 4 hours.

    We strive for improvement of our achievement by cooperating with institutes like ‘Foodvalley’ in Wageningen and our colleagues of Research & Development within the Lion Foods Group. Our company is ISO-, HACCP-, IFS-, GMP-, BRGCS- and SKAL-certified and continuously invests in technology and in its markets.

    If necessary,
    we can trace the
    used young plants
    or sowing seeds
    within 4 hours
